1. Mila Manasova
  2. Mila Man- Asova
  3. Mila Da Drug Dela’
  4. Mila, Mila, Mila!!!!
  5. there is no list. Just me. Me me me. And you...

mila manasova

Hello! hello..hello! hello...hello to you and welcome. Welcome!You are welcome here. Welcome to my naughty home of things to make you want to join in.Will you join me one day my friend? Or will you forever sit behind that screen and watch others do it. Well, it’s up to you. You can enjoy behind there forever,in fact- go for it. Just sit and watch your HEART OUT.Heart Out! Eat away at the uninspired parts of your psyche through, it may inspire you to buy a hat or a stripy scarf, wouldnt that be nice?A nice Mosnter High hat? Oooh. Or a lovely long stripy scarf to wear in the summer. Mmm.

In the following pages you can find some of my recent videos and artworks and performances and UPDATED INFORMATION ON UPCOMING PERFORMANCES. All most updated works will be in my instagram, @milaestinhortus. Videos below.

Schtep up

Feb 17 2022

SCHTEP UP from Mila Manasova on Vimeo.

2020 Video Games Club compilations

March 2020

Just some stuff...
Work from September to December 2022
March 202